John T. Thompson (1778-1850) and Sally Grimes (1790-1875)


John T. Thompson was born in North Carolina, and Sally Grimes was born in Kentucky.  They married in Kentucky about 1813, and died in Monroe County, Indiana.


Children of John and Sally:


US Census records:

  • 1850, Monroe County, Indiana; John, Sally, and two daughters (Mary and Susan) in the household; John's occupation is farmer; Sally is listed as "Sarah."
  • 1870, Richland Township, Monroe County, Indiana; Sally is listed in the household of her son Samuel.
From the Monroe County Biographical Sketches, published in 1884: "S.P. Thompson, stock-raiser and farmer, is the only son of John T. and Sallie (Grimes) Thompson, natives respectively of North Carolina and Kentucky, and of Irish and German extraction, and was born in Crawford County, Ill., July 16, 1822.  His father, John T. Thompson moved in early life from North Carolina to Kentucky, and was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  He moved to Knox County, Ind., in 1814, and afterward, in 1818, to Illinois, where he engaged in farming, about 1824.  He sold this land, removed to this county and purchased eighty acres, where he died in 1850, aged seventy-two years; his wife died 1875, aged eighty-five years."
John and Sally are buried in the Richland Church Cemetery.