James's obituary in the Bloomington Courier, May 16, 1885: "James Russell, an old and well-known citizen, died at his home near Clear Creek station, on last Wednesday morning, of pneumonia. On the Saturday previous he was at work planting corn, and apparently, in good health. Deceased was in the 73rd year of his age, and was a man of the strictest integrity."
Margaret's obituary in the Bloomington Republican Progress, September 28, 1892: "Russell, (Mrs.) The wife of James Russell. Died at New Albany on Tuesday of last week following a painful illness. She formerly resided on what is now known as the Douglass farm in Perry Township. She died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Hilbert." (The "Douglass farm" refers to the home of daughter Ellen and son-in-law William H. Douglas.)
James and Margaret are buried in the Spencer Addition of the Rose Hill Cemetery, West 4th Street and Elm, Bloomington, Indiana, next to the graves of Ellen and William H. Douglas and Alice and John Ronan.